Influenza A and B Rebranded

The evidence that covid-19 is nothing but influenza A and B has accumulated to an unquestionable extent, yet, the globe over, here in March 2021, we are still being burdened by laughable troglodytes being led (like the sheep they are), to the "vaccine" slaughter.

For the troglodytes that are still sleeping, the Polymerase Chain Reaction popularly known as the PCR Covid19 test, is widely known to be useless. Governments around the world in lock step (page 18), cruelly shutdown their economies, imprison healthy people inhumanely and without justification using the false information being generated by these test results, to make the flu look like a pandemic. Best of all, cases, cases, cases keep being reported compliments of the MANY sheeple (and you know who you are), who blindly consent to their doctors and health practitioners administering these nefarious tests.

It is safe to presume that ANY and ALL healthcare practitioners, Doctors and Physicians that even SUGGEST their patients be "tested for covid" are corrupt and receiving money from the deep state New World Order via the back door, and CANNOT therefore be trusted AT ALL.

The widely used PCR test (largely used on healthy people), is what is creating the huge spikes and waves of "alleged cases". Can you see the trail of fraud and how you are being played yet? 

Pathological criminals tend to leave behind vital clues to their crimes as any criminal psychologist will tell you. This is because at some level they enjoy outsmarting the detectives and on a psychological level, court the punishment from being found out, for karmic reasons.

At this point, the intellectuals who have taken the time (unlike many LAZY, unintelligent, brainwashed, indoctrinated and asleep individuals on this planet), to research and question the validity of the information being spewed by mainstream media broadcasters and governments globally, regarding this "so called pandemic", can only pity those who have shamefully bought into this scam, hook, line and sinker.

I would like to suggest at this point that we let the zombies be vaccinated and proactively request (the ones we know personally), get their houses in order before doing so, including updating their final Will's and Testimonies, making sure they have funding and medical care-giving available, for any and all medical related consequences such as those that have been EXPOSED HERE and ensure that their remaining family members and pets are well provided for and let's be mindful of March 2021 Intensity - How to deal with it

For those who have woken up, come to their senses and have kept themselves well informed of the truth and maintained a close eye on the expert medical intelligence and developments shared by the uncorrupted medical fraternity, we shall continue to use the BEST daily doses of non-synthetic "vax" known to prevent influenza as listed:

What Comes Next?

As the Second Nuremberg tribunal Is prepared and sighting the evidence presented in The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier, (notably page 25), where it is stated that "Part of that lack of evidence in fact showed that cloth facemasks actually increased influenza-linked illness.31" it is suggested that the intelligent folk on planet earth seek recourse and compensation from States, municipalities, and business/employer perpetrators that are violating the legal requirements for the promulgation of medical counter measures during a public health emergency since these entities have ALL failed to delivered material evidence and factual proof of the following:

1) Evidence that masks prevent infection

2) Evidence that masks don't cause oxygen deprivation which can lead to seizures

3) Evidence that breathing in your own carbon dioxide does not cause bacterial infections and respiratory disorders

4) Evidence that wearing masks does not cause stress and anxiety

5) Evidence that wearing masks prevented the spread of the Spanish Flu

6) Evidence that dismissal for not wearing a mask at work would not represent a material breach of Constitutional Rights which entitles your staff to claim compensation for discrimination, as well as unfair dismissal

7) Evidence that the government lurgy has ever been proven to exist

8) Evidence that it is not a crime ancillary to genocide to collaborate with government policy, which has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths in care homes and hospitals

9) Evidence that the government has not relied upon fraudulent data to frighten the population into fearful compliance with its legally unenforceable diktats

It is time for States, municipalities, and business/employer perpetrators to share their Indemnity Insurance details publicly for those who wish to claim liability.  Display these details in shop windows and make them visible on the walls in all restaurants, offices and public buildings.


For the families whose members have contracted Bacterial Pneumonia as a result of constantly wearing facemasks for extended periods at their places of work, resulting in hospitalization (and in several cases), followed by death by ventilator, a MINIMUM liability claim of 100,000,000 (one hundred million) per family member and/or employee and/or member of the public is deemed appropriate as compensation.
According to the universal maxim of law, a workman is worthy of his hire. 
The following fee schedule for wearing of a mask or making use of disinfectants and or hand sanitizers (which are considered to be strenuous on ones immune system and skin), should be claimed by all employees:

I. 1500 (one thousand, five hundred) per man or woman per establishment per day during which an employee is forced to wear a mask without their prior written consent agreeing to make use of same.

II. 1500 (one thousand, five hundred) per man or woman per establishment per day during which an employee is forced to make use of disinfectant and or hand sanitizer without their prior written consent agreeing to make use of same.

As also stated on page 25 of The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier, "In contravention to established science, States, municipalities, and businesses have violated the legal requirements for the promulgation of medical counter measures during a public health emergency by stating a “belief” that social distancing of a healthy population limits the spread of SARS CoV-2. To date, not a single study has confirmed that social distancing of any population prevented the transmission of, or the infection by SARS CoV-2."

I have no doubt that liability claims of sorts will emerge as the public find creative ways to hold these perpetrators accountable given that there is much money to be made here.

As for the vaccines, the same applies and ALL consumers thereof should by now be aware that ALL 
States, municipalities, and business/employer perpetrators have failed to delivered material evidence and factual proof of the following:

1. Evidence that vaccines are 100% safe to administer.

2. Evidence that vaccines do not have any detrimental health effects, amongst which are, but not limited to,  neurological, physical impairment, paralysis, long lasting and detrimental side effects and/or death.

3. Evidence that vaccines have been thoroughly tested according to the full rigours of historic testing procedures (usually lasting years) and do not fall short in any respect, of these essential processes

4. Evidence that vaccines have been able to halt/prevent the conditions they are allegedly created for

5. Evidence that the government lurgy has ever been proven to exist, thus entailing demand for a vaccine to prevent it

6. Evidence that Coronavirus/COVID-19 and related Disaster Management Acts and the Covid-19 regulations which arose out of these in each Country, are not adjudged to be repugnant and void under common law

7. Evidence that it is not a crime ancillary to genocide to collaborate with government policy, which has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths in care homes and hospitals world wide

8. Evidence that the government has not relied upon fraudulent data to frighten the population into fearful compliance with its legally unenforceable diktats

9. Evidence that if vaccination is as safe as we are told, why creators of said vaccines are offered 100% immunity against prosecution in the case they (the vaccines) are found to be not safe and cause/create unwanted side effects, illness, loss of function physical/and/or mental or even death

10. Evidence that the government and or its agencies/partners are not working towards a program of genocide on the population
11. Evidence that any forced coercion or demand in any form against men and woman to be subjected to vaccination, is not directly contrary to any or each of the ten points of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics.

On page 6 of the The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier it is clearly stated: 

"The Moderna and Pfizer “alleged vaccine trials" have explicitly acknowledged that their gene therapy technology has no impact on viral infection or transmission whatsoever and merely conveys to the recipient the capacity to produce an S1 spike protein endogenously by the introduction of a synthetic mRNA sequence. Therefore, the basis for the Massachusetts statute and the Supreme Court’s determination is moot in this case."

Further on page 11 it is stated: "Using the power of NIAID during the alleged pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci actively suppressed proven medical countermeasures used by, and validated in scientific proceedings, that offered alternatives to the products funded by his conspiring entities for which he had provided direct funding and for whom he would receive tangible and intangible benefit."

In taking all of the above and below into account, families whose members have been adversely affected as a consequence of receiving ANY government or private sector mandated or proposed vaccines whether it be for influenza A or B (covid-19), or something else, should hold the government and/or the private sector initiator 100% liable and claim a MINIMUM of 100,000,000 (one hundred million) per family member and/or employee and/or member of the public as compensation.

Last but not least, for those diligent folk who are awake and keeping abreast of the truth, the voice and work of our expert, Dr. Vernon Coleman (who is highly respected and educated), cannot be dismissed, discounted or disregarded as it is validated by extensive research in this explosive reveal of the raw truth  

And there you have it, the evidence, the facts and the truth about how influenza A and B have been "rebranded" to create propaganda, hype and hysteria on our planet, killing no more than the usual annual number of immune compromised patients, all in the name of money and to distract the human population from the Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order Agenda 21 rollout

While the intelligent members of the human population will continue to uncover the many more truths to come as we transition into a new reality, you are invited to do so without expectation that your family and/or friends or colleagues will support or follow in your footsteps.  The zombies will be left behind in death and/or in ignorance (by their own conscious and/or sub-conscious choice) and this is a burden that intellectuals should not take upon themselves as they progress.  

Walk away as I have, drop the idiots, drop the troglodytes and venture forward with a positive, blissful, orgasmic and enlightened mindset. 

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