A war between good and evil

This war is being led by Trump and his Secret Service, against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.

Pay attention to the bigger picture!

The entire world is in lockdown. Let that sink in (if it hasn’t already)

Trump has bust and arrested paedophile and child trafficking rings around the world in recent weeks.  Bet you didn’t know that because (George Soros funded mainstream media), have been making Trump out to look like a moron. 

Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks.

There is no need to panic or have fear.  This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned money, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled the wool over your eyes.  

People have been living as slaves to this system for long enough.

5G is being rolled out worldwide conveniently at the same time.... (have you researched the negative health effects of 5G yet?) Perhaps take a moment to consider the empowering knowledge you will gain by joining the online, FREE 5G Crisis Summit from 1 – 7 June 2020

↘ Prince Harry and Megan leave the royal family. (I would too if I found out my own family had my mother killed, and were Satan worshiping, child traffickers)

 Prince Andrew is accused of paedophilia and was extremely close with Jeffrey Epstein. (A convicted paedophile). Research Epstein Island, Lolita express (if you have a strong stomach) 

Research Pizzagate (if you can handle it)

Wiki leaks exposed Hillary Clinton for being a child sex trafficker (along with Obama, Podesta and many other people in power). NBC Admits Hillary Clinton Used her Job to Cover up Pedophile Rings as Secretary of StateHillary Clinton destroys 33000 emailsa laptop and mobile phone she used while in office... and gets away with it, but then, FBI Recovers Deleted Hillary Emails

↘ Trump gets elected

↘ Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was finally arrested for sex crimes (another elite pedo) all of a sudden he gets the “virus”...?

↘ All of your Hollywood favourites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here, research it.

Bill gates is pushing vaccines and global depopulation, and he conveniently owns 15% of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Yes, the WHO is a business, go figure and is also owned by George Soros and the Rockefellers. Don’t know them? Research them. (This information alone should make your stomach churn).

↘ Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information. (Why now?) Whilst you’re there, keep googling “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail...

An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting...? (Connecting the dots yet?)

↘ US has deployed 30,000 troops to Europe “for training”, without masks or any hand sanitizer... Interesting.

600 Mexican drug cartels have recently been arrested, one of the biggest busts in history by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?

Trump openly speaks about this more and more in his daily press releases as the days roll on, speaking about winning the ‘war, and barely mentioning the actual virus in his ‘Coronavirus’ briefings.

2 Chinese including 1 Harvard professor were prosecuted for economic espionage a few weeks ago.. which is all extremely relevant to Wuhan, Covid-19 and everything that’s going on right now. Research this.

Trump crashed the Fed bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold back currency, removing the fiat. The fed and treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for the global banking system with the people’s money. Not the Rothschild’s, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman the list goes on.. this is HISTORIC.

For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better way to re-distribute the money back to people via government grants, paying refunds to business and to offsets.. making sense yet?  No longer will 99% of the world’s wealth be owned by an evil, greedy and corrupt 1%.

Believe what you want. Take what I say with a grain of salt... but open your eyes beyond the virus... and gosh.. just do some research! It’s all happening.

Dozens of the world’s most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? Disney, Microsoft, Groupon and over 1300 of the top CEO’s, gone. This was before the crash mind you... what are they running from???

Thousands of arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that... what are they hiding?

What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps talking about...

You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you don’t want to believe it.

Oprah, Ellen, Obama, Gates, Clintons, Podesta, Hanks, Madonna, Gaga - The list goes on and on and on.

Some of the big banks WILL go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax WILL go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.

Welcome to the New World Order....

Don’t believe me? Do the research for yourself.

Personally I would read the Clinton emails on WikiLeaks. Once you read that you’ll believe the rest.

Many of the most powerful people are more sick and evil than you could ever imagine.

Start listening to Trump’s daily press briefings and read between the lines.

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