BB BEE The Enabling Tool Facilitating Corruption and Discrimination in South Africa

Without prejudice and with all due respect to all readers with opposing views and opinions, no matter how the ANC attempt to sugar coat it, the reality is, BB BEE is the enabling tool facilitating corruption and discrimination in South Africa and has become the most racist and unethical initiative in this Country. This initiative was put in place to address racial inequality in the South African workplace and to facilitate integration of the previously disadvantaged for a period not exceeding 10 years post 1994, yet the ANC continue to push this agenda which has subsequently become what is going to be South Africa’s biggest downfall as it no longer represents fair employment equity and the basis of its initiation has been lost in translation of the highest order discriminating not only against our fellow human beings with White skins but additionally: Coloureds, Indians, Chinese and Albinos too. BB BEE has become an abomination equal to the corruption plaguing Government which South Africa’s soaring unemployment and crime rates are indicative of and takes DISCRIMINATION to a whole new level.
South Africa has now been classified by some as the most corrupt and ungovernable Country in AFRICA and if it is delusionally perceived that BB BEE does (not) represent the face of that corruption and lawlessness, then S.A. Citizens need to think again. BB BEE has become the champion pioneer of racist discrimination in South Africa, which initiative - should have expired decades ago. Serious consideration must be given to dissolving and phasing BB BEE out until completely terminated, never mind revising codes to further erode the minds of those citizens that once upon a time took responsibility for the growth and development of all in this Country. If Madiba were still in power today, what would he be saying and doing to encourage equality, economic growth and development for all humanity and those who share this beautiful land of ours?
Let’s take a look at what some globally respected figures have to say such as Dr James David Manning speaking about South Africa in this video clip and the words of Dr William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D. who actually says it all in: "It’s NOT About Colour it's About Behaviour".
The rest of Africa has come to realise the value that contributions made by ALL - (relevant to levels of education, skill and experience), can make to a Countries economy, social, educational and business networks etc.
Do the ANC and its supporting organisations find ruling parties and governments in the rest of Africa, employing what I personally deem as discriminatory Gestapo tactics such as BB BEE initiatives to encourage collaboration, strengthen business and social relationships, economic growth and employment opportunities for all?
Where is the win-win for all and I mean ALL?  BB BEE and what it stands for today makes me extremely sad as I am as much an African as my darker skin toned brothers and sisters, so how are we meant to become a united nation living in harmony when the race card is constantly shoved in our faces?? 
In saying all of this, each person has a right to their own opinion. I guess only time will tell... as things stand today, many are excluded from enjoying 'equal opportunity' under the existing 'non-black struggle' that the ANC has created in South Africa which is no better than what existed previously as that of the 'black struggle' and I am saddened in having to witness first hand, its continuing backward slide towards "Ulwahlulo", Apartheid in reverse.

What BB BEE has become compliments of the ANC, now contradicts South Africa's "democracy" and puts it to utter shame.

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