
Showing posts from March, 2021

Influenza A and B Rebranded

The evidence that  covid-19 is nothing but influenza A and B  has accumulated to an unquestionable extent , yet, the globe over, here in March 2021, we are still being burdened by laughable troglodytes being led (like the sheep they are), to the " vaccine " slaughter. For the troglodytes that are still sleeping, the P olymerase Chain Reaction popularly known as the   PCR Covid19 test , is widely known to be useless .  Governments around the world in lock step (page 18) , cruelly shutdown their economies, imprison healthy people inhumanely and without justification using the false information being generated by these test results, to make the flu look like a pandemic. Best of all, cases, cases, cases keep being reported compliments of the MANY sheeple (and you know who you are), who blindly consent to their doctors and health practitioners administering these nefarious tests. It is safe to presume that ANY and ALL healthcare practitioners, Doctors and Physicians ...

ISRAEL: Biowarfare and the engineering of a Middle East war on our doorstep

WATCH: S.O.S. MEDICAL APARTHEID IN ISRAEL Israel's leadership in partnership with it's mainstream media broadcasters, have managed to completely indoctrinate and brainwash the people of Israel in the most nefarious manner regarding a so called "virus" claimed to be killing people globally. How is it, that people allow themselves to be led like sheep to the slaughter so easily by their "governments"?  Here is what might come to many, as a SHOCKING, yet very accurate testimony given at the Judicial Commission of Inquiry, by Dr. Robert O. Young  CPT, MSc, Ph.D., D.Sc. ,  about "so called" viruses:  Dr. Robert O. Young ITNJ Testimony .  I ncidentally, this so called "covid19 virus" has NEVER been isolated according to UNCORRUPT Microbiologists, Medical Scientists and Pathologists  GLOBALLY   and therefore, NOBODY can be said to have died from it, let alone have had such a "virus". Read: Israel Is Demonstrating Medical Apartheid, No...